Matthew, Part 4: Week 3 - "Jesus has Authority Over the Temple"

“Jesus has Authority Over the Temple”

Matthew 17:22-27

The Cross was Always God’s Plan

  • Matthew 17:22-23

  • Acts 2:22-24

Jesus Is the King of the Temple

  • Matthew 17:24-26

  • Exodus 30:13

  • Hebrews 9:11-15

Jesus Fulfills the Law of God for You

  • Matthew 17:27

  • Romans 10:4

  • Romans 3:23-28

Application Points:

  • Find comfort in the sovereignty of God

  • God’s promises are trustworthy because of Jesus

  • Jesus has fulfilled the law of righteousness for our sake

  • Jesus sacrificed His life so that we could worship Him


Matthew, Part 4: Week 4 - "Jesus Is the Greatest Judge"


Matthew, Part 4: Week 2 - "Jesus has Authority Over Satan"