Matthew, Part 4: Week 2 - "Jesus has Authority Over Satan"

“Jesus has Authority Over Satan”

Matthew 17:14-23

God has Authority Over Satan

  • Matthew 17:14-18

  • Mark 9:14-15

  • Ephesians 2:2

God Calls Us to Live by Powerful Faith

  • Matthew 17:17-20

  • Matthew 13:31-32

  • John 15:7-8

The Power of Your Faith Is Determined by the Object of Your Faith

  • Matthew 17:20-23

  • Hebrews 11:1-6

Application Points

  • Live like God has power over evil

  • Believe Jesus so that you can live by faith

  • Follow Jesus in the power He has given

  • Do not be afraid when impossible is God’s measure


Matthew, Part 4: Week 3 - "Jesus has Authority Over the Temple"


Matthew, Part 4: Week 1 - "Jesus in His Glory"