Matthew, Part 4: Week 4 - "Jesus Is the Greatest Judge"

“Jesus Is the Greatest Judge”

Matthew 18:1-9

Jesus Rejects the Self-Righteous

  • Matthew 18:1-4

  • Proverbs 18:2

  • James 4:5-6

Leading Others Away from Jesus Intentionally Is Demonic

  • Matthew 18:5-7

  • 1 Corinthians 6:18-20

Leading Others Away from Jesus Unintentionally Is Demonic

  • Matthew 18:5-7

  • James 1:13-14

  • 1 Corinthians 8:11-13

Jesus Will Judge the Unrepentant

  • Matthew 18:8-9

  • Revelation 21:8

Application Points

  • Take seriously the warnings of Jesus

  • Reject Self-righteousness

  • Flee from temptation whenever and wherever it happens

  • Take seriously the schemes of Satan in sin

  • Prepare for judgment by following Jesus


Matthew, Part 4: Week 5 - "Jesus Has Authority Over Salvation"


Matthew, Part 4: Week 3 - "Jesus has Authority Over the Temple"