Matthew, Part 5: Week 15 - "God Has Not Been Silent"

“God Has Not Been Silent”

Matthew 23:34-39

Download the Group Guide

God Is There and He Is Not Silent

  • Matthew 23:34-36

  • Matthew 21:42-43

  • Matthew 22:31-32

  • Luke 11:49-51

God Is Eager to Bless Faith in Jesus

  • Matthew 23:37-38

  • Matthew 11:28-29

  • Romans 2:4-5

  • John 3:18

Your Life Will Be Defined by the Gospel

  • Matthew 23:38-39

  • Zechariah 14:8-9

Application Points:

  • God has given sufficient revelation of who He is, what He wants, what He has done, and what He is going to do

  • God wants to save people from sin

  • Live to take the Gospel to people

  • You cannot escape God


Big "C", little "c": Week 1 - "The Church Emerges from the Gospel"


"Trials and Temptation"