"Trials and Temptation"

“Trials and Temptation”

James 1:12-18

Download the Group Guide

Endure Trials with Eternity in Mind

  • James 1:2-4

  • Genesis 50:20-21

  • Matthew 7:24-25

Your Greatest Enemy Is You

  • Jeremiah 17:9

Every Good and Perfect Gift Comes from Above

  • Hebrews 13:8


  • Always have eternity in mind

  • Remember God’s faithfulness in the past

  • Face the real source of your temptation

  • Trust the God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever

  • If you are new in Christ, live like it


Matthew, Part 5: Week 15 - "God Has Not Been Silent"


Matthew, Part 5: Week 14 - "The Danger of False Religion"