Matthew, Part 5: Week 8 - "The Parable of the Wedding Feast"

“The Parable of the Wedding Feast”

Matthew 22:1-14

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Ignoring the Invitation of God Is the Height of Foolishness

  • Matthew 22:1-8

  • Isaiah 25:6-8

  • Psalm 81:11-12

God Is Still Inviting People into His Kingdom

  • Matthew 22:9-11

  • Matthew 28:19

  • Acts 13:46

  • Acts 28:28

If You Want Jesus as Your Savior, You Must Also Submit to Him as Lord

  • Matthew 22:12-14

  • Revelation 19:6-8

  • 1 John 1:5-7

Application Points:

  • Ignoring God’s call on your life is foolish

  • You Honor God by bringing Honor to His Son, Jesus

  • Only faith in the Gospel can prepare you for the presence of God

  • If you don’t submit to Jesus as Lord, you won’t be accepted into His presence


Matthew, Part 5: Week 9 - "Jesus and the Government"


Matthew, Part 5: Week 7 - "The Parable of the Tenants"