Matthew, Part 5: Week 9 - "Jesus and the Government"

“Jesus and the Government”

Matthew 22:15-22

Following Jesus Will Bring Conflict with Culture

  • Matthew 22:15-18

  • Luke 20:19-20

  • Romans 12:2

Good Government Comes from God

  • Matthew 22:19-22

  • Exodus 20:2-3

  • Romans 13:1-2

  • Romans 13:6-7

  • 1 Timothy 2:1-3

Bad Government Should Be Resisted

  • Matthew 22:19-22

  • Romans 13:3-5

  • Acts 5:28-29

Application Points:

  • Prepare for cultural conflict through discipleship

  • Government is ordained by God. Not the other way around.

  • Honor and thank God for good government.

  • Pray for wisdom in restoring righteousness to the government

  • Always prepare to resist tyranny in the name of Jesus


"The Resurrection is Good News"


Matthew, Part 5: Week 8 - "The Parable of the Wedding Feast"