Matthew, Part 5: Week 10 - "God of the Living"

“God of the Living”

Matthew 22:23-33

Download the Group Guide

Scripture has One Meaning and You Must Submit to It

  • Matthew 22:23-28

  • Psalm 49:15

  • Daniel 12:2

  • 2 Peter 1:20-2:1

Twisting God’s Words Will Always Leave You Lost

  • Matthew 22:29-31

  • Hebrews 4:12-13

Trusting God Will Always Lead to Eternity

  • Matthew 22:32-33

  • Exodus 3:6

  • 1 Corinthians 15:52

Application Points

  • Every verse in the Bible has one meaning

  • Do not twist God’s Word, submit to it

  • Do not entertain lies as plausible

  • Live in light of eternity

  • All who trust Jesus will be raised to imperishable life


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