Matthew, Part 5: Week 1 - "Laborers in the Vineyard"

Laborers in the Vineyard

Matthew 19:30-20:1-16

Download the Group Guide

God Is Absolutely Sovereign Over Absolutely Everything

  • Matthew 20:1-16

  • Job 38:4-5

  • Daniel 4:35

  • Luke 7:47

Salvation Is About What God Does for Us, Not What We Do for God

  • Matthew 20:8-11

  • Romans 3:23-27

Salvation Is a Completely and Totally Free Gift through Jesus

  • Matthew 20:14-16

  • John 6:37

  • John 14:2

Application Points:

  • God reigns over all, and that is good news

  • Self-righteousness will lead you away from salvation

  • You need to rest in the righteousness of Jesus

  • The Gospel is better news when you know you don’t deserve it


Matthew, Part 5: Week 2 - "Sharing in the Humiliation of Jesus"


New Year, Same You: Week 6- "Foundation Sunday"