New Year, Same You: Week 3 - "Courage that Counts in 2022"

“Courage that Counts in 2022”

Deuteronomy 31:6

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There Will Always Be Resistance to Following Jesus

  • Deuteronomy 31:6

  • John 15:19-20

Courage Requires Defense and Offense

  • 2 Peter 3:15

  • 1 Kings 18:26-27

  • Acts 17:22-25

Christian Courage Is Rooted in God’s Promises

  • Joshua 1:9

  • John 16:33

  • Romans 8:28

Application Points:

  • Discipleship prepares you for resistance

  • Live for a Gospel worth defending

  • It is loving to expose lies

  • Christianity is superior because it is true

  • Courage is sourced in trusting God more than anything else


New Year, Same You: Week 4 - "Giving Generously in 2022"


New Year, Same You: Week 2 - "Leaving a Legacy in 2022"