Light in the Darkness: Week 4 - "Joy that Triumphs Over Darkness"

“Joy that Triumphs Over Darkness”

Luke 1:46-55

Christmas Is a Season of God’s Glory

  • Luke 1:46-48

  • Luke 1:34

  • Habakkuk 3:17-18

  • Psalm 34:2-3

Christmas Is a Season of God’s Mercy

  • Luke 1:48-52

  • Psalm 138:6

Christmas Is a Season of God’s Faithfulness

  • Luke 1:52-55

  • Micah 7:7-8

Application Points:

  • Fight to have joy in God

  • Because of Jesus, every circumstance will glorify God

  • Live to enjoy God’s mercy

  • Take every moment to learn about God’s faithfulness

  • The enemy may proclaim victory, but Jesus will always prevail


New Year, Same You: Week 1 - "The Priority of the Bible in 2022"


Light in the Darkness: Week 3 - "Faith that Triumphs Over Darkness"