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All Services and Events Canceled

Hi Village Church,

We have made the difficult decision to cancel all Village Church services this Sunday, March 15, and all Village Church events for the next week in view of the region-wide effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Until today, we had hoped this could be avoided. However, events have progressed to make canceling the wisest course of action.

All schools in the state of Virginia have been asked to close, and both the Governor of VA and President have asked smaller assemblies, including churches, to refrain from meeting. Nearly all sporting events are canceled and many people are working from home, so this is not a matter of churches being singled out. It is clear at this point that there is a regional and even national effort to slow the spread of the virus by canceling events. Given this, it has become a matter of good citizenship to participate in this effort. We would not want to be a reason why our community’s efforts to slow the spread of the virus were unsuccessful.

For this Sunday, we will not be streaming a sermon online. While you know how essential we hold the preached Word is to the life of the church, the church does not rise and fall based on one sermon. Rather, it is the faithful worship of Jesus that is the heart of Village Church, and this Sunday we are calling Village to primarily worship through prayer. The Southern Baptist Convention has issued a call to prayer for all SBC churches on March 15, so we ask that you join us in that effort. More Info -

This cancelation includes Sunday morning services and all Village Church events for this upcoming week (March 15-21), including Village Students and Community Groups. We will reevaluate the situation next week and make a determination by Thursday evening, March 19, on the church plans going forward.

We will continue to communicate through e-mail, the church website, and Facebook. If you need to reach the Pastors, please don’t hesitate to e-mail We have full confidence that the people of Village Church will care well for each other during this time, but do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything you need.

Live the mission,

Village Church Pastors

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